When clients ask me where they should have their photos taken I always tell them to try to think of a place that has MEANING to them and to their reasoning behind their shoot. It could be as easy as the family cabin to the other side of the state! Wherever it is, your photos will mean more to you than EVER if you have your own special spot picked out. *If you do not have any places that jump out at you, think hard about what you want to SEE in your photos. We will then pick out a location together!
For the dreamy lighting, the beautiful bokeh, and natural light feel you will want your photos taken at the "GOLDEN HOUR". This can be done twice during the day. At sun-rise and at sun-set. For a more unnatural but natural feel to your photos we use something called "Off Camera Flash" or OCF. We can overpower this sun with this option!
*There is nothing more serious than being yourself.
When deciding what to wear and what to bring, take a minute to sit down and think to yourself, "Who am I? What do I want to represent? What do I want people to see? What do I want to remember about myself in 20 years from now?"
Remember! This your YOUR shoot. You can do ANYTHING you want.
Be prepared for your shoot, afterall you've known it was coming! A few suggestions for you: